Chesterton's PSHE curriculum provides students with information, skills and understanding around key concepts and topics that allow them to lead happy, healthy lives and play a positive role in society. The curriculum reflects our positive ethos of inclusion, equality and diversity for all learners.

PSHE Curriculum Approach

The school teaches its PSHE provision primarily through a combination of a comprehensive, 7 year tutor time programme alongside timetabled year group-specific drop down days, assemblies and special events. Both the tutor time programme and the drop down day programme are designed to form a spiral curriculum, allowing students’ knowledge to build and develop in an age-appropriate way as they progress through their time at secondary school and sixth form.

Curriculum Overview

The overarching aims of our PSHE programme are:

  • To promote happy, healthy lives
  • To create a safe community
  • To understand British Values and the law
  • To promote happy, healthy relationships
  • To understand how to keep ourselves and others safe
  • To understand relationship values and the law
  • To promote the 5Rs and address child-on-child abuse in a meaningful way with all stakeholders

All provision meets the needs of students where they are in their phase of life, individually and collectively, while encompassing a preventative approach.

Culture of Respect, Consent and Wellbeing

All starter activities in PSHE for all content revisit the 5Rs, wellbeing and the vision and values of each school to foster a culture of embedded understanding of a core ethos that underpins PSHE.

CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

Our PSHE leads meet regularly with their colleagues in other schools to share CPD, create resources and evaluate impact. This hones the Trust provision and creates a hub of specialists within the Trust. Chesterton ensures half-termly CPD led by PSHE leads is delivered all staff to outline topics, share our ethos and advise on approaches as required. PSHE leads are trained in safeguarding and meet regularly with the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) to ensure strong links between safeguarding and PSHE provision.

Role of the Personal Tutor (PTs)

  • To be the pivotal trusted adult for a tutor group
  • To promote belonging, safeguarding, 5rs and the Vision and Values of the school
  • To teach high quality, interactive PSHE
  • To ensure high standards of behaviour, attendance and uniform
  • To be a proactive home-school link

Role of the Head of House

To line manage all areas of personal development to ensure all areas of the tutor role are fulfilled and students receive an outstanding pastoral provision. 


A letter with a PSHE guide is sent to parents/carers at the start of each academic year. The PSHE guide outlines topics, workshops, external provision and the sequential curriculum.

All stakeholders (parents/carers, staff, governors and students) complete an annual 360 PSHE survey to further develop the curriculum and ensure effective communication takes place – likewise, all are invited to an annual Parent Forum to discuss Personal Development holistically.

Value-led PSHE for Tricky Topics

Chesterton recognises the need for positive delivery in PSHE, and adopts a value-led approach for tricky topics.

For example, a core value is ‘respect your body’ and rooted in this a range of tricky topics can be broached – from FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) to abusive intimate relationships. The umbrella value links to a myriad of topics which will be highlighted, revisited and approached with sensitivity as required.

External specialist speakers will be advised of this approach and the more challenging PSHE will always link to values. Likewise, many topics have cross-curricular links across the school which enhance and reinforce key PSHE messages.

PSHE is delivered in tiers

Delivered by
Tier 1
Bite-size and light-touch PSHE
Morning tutor time
Tier 2
Special days/events/issues awareness raising topics
AssembliesHOH / Leads
Tier 3
Extended topics of mixed and more challenging themes
Drop Down Mornings (mixed themes, extended topics)
Tier 4
Tricky / sensitive topics
Extended Assemblies and Drop-Down Mornings
Trained PSHE in-school specialists
Tier 5
External events
Specialist workshops, trips or events
External trained speakers

Tier 1 & 2

The link for the PSHE curriculum can be found here.

Tier 3 & 4: Drop Down Mornings

For Tier3/4 content Chesterton run Drop Down Mornings consisting of four lessons. This covers important statutory content in more depth and varies the sessions so that there is a mix of content. Schools will offer safe spaces during sessions that may involve sensitive content. Surveys will be conducted as follow-up opportunities and to further develop content in future Drop Down sessions.

Each drop down morning follows this outline and is differentiated by year group. There will be overlap of content (e.g., Addictions will cover online behaviour as well as drugs) as well as incorporating additional topics where required (e.g., checking for cancer signs in body positivity Y9/10). The titles will be adapted per year group and have a positive title for students:

Lesson 1
Every Body is important
Lesson 2
I Expect Respect
Lesson 3
We keep safe online
Lesson 4
My future in my hands
Health: Addictions
SRE: Consent and 5Rs
ESafety: Cyberbullying
Finance and Futures
Health: Wellbeing
SRE: Grooming and CSE
ESafety: Online Legacy
Finance and Futures
Health: Body Positivity
SRE: Sexual Health and Keeping Safe
ESafety: Extremism and Grooming online
Finance and Futures

Tier 4: Extended Assemblies

An example plan of extended assemblies differentiated across year groups is as follows for tricky topics:

Autumn 1
Puberty & Hygiene / year group specifics SRE health / what is abuse
Autumn 2
Consent / 5Rs/ child-on-child abuse / nude/semi-nude images
Spring 1
Healthy relationships / red flag behaviour
Spring 2
Grief and Loss
Summer 1
Family break-ups
Summer 2
Healthy sexual relationships, identity and sex for pleasure

Progression and Evaluation

Each half term students complete an online Form to assess progression of topics covered. In addition, wellbeing and specific surveys take place to reflect important whole-school issues such as protected characteristics or safeguarding matters.

In PSHE lessons, teachers evaluate progression with effective Learning Objectives and Plenaries, as well as a myriad of activities to test and gauge learning. Teachers feed back to PSHE leads where areas need further development.

Evaluation also takes place following Drop Down events, external workshops, or significant extended assemblies.

Community Arts Projects

To enhance the learning experience of PSHE, students partake in Community Arts Projects to express outwardly their inward thoughts, feelings and knowledge of important topics. An example of this is the wooden hearts Equality lesson – where students design their hearts following a lesson on protected characteristics.

Safe Spaces

Chesterton provides a safe space, trigger warnings and pastoral support for all students. As many topics could potentially cause a trigger, the CPD among tutors and communication with the DSL is essential to ensuring all students are accommodated.

PSHE Policy

  • You can view our PSHE policy here.

Our PSHE provision is designed to be accessible to every pupil.

As per the statutory guidance, parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from Sex Education delivered as part of the PSHE programme.

There is however no right to withdraw from Relationships Education or Health Education, nor is there a right to withdraw from topics taught within the Science National Curriculum.

To discuss any queries related to PSHE please contact the relevant member of the team:

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