
We hope that the admissions process will be the first step on a successful journey that you and your child/ren start with us at Chesterton.

This section of the website is designed to provide parents with all the information they require to complete the admissions process at Chesterton.

We hope parents who have access to this website will find the information that they require quickly and easily.

We will send out to all prospective parents any forms which they will need to complete and return to us, although you can also find copies of some of the forms further down this page.

In the sections outlined below, you will find all the information contained within our admissions booklets.

As an Eco-school we are pleased to provide all the information you require online in this section. You may wish to print certain sections to read at your leisure, or you may request a paper copy of this information by contacting the college on 01223 712150 or via email at 

In the two sections below for either Year 6 to Year 7 Transition or In Year School Application, you will find a link to the complete Admissions Information Booklets.

Process for In Year School Application

You can now apply for a place at Chesterton directly to the school for In Year School Applications only.

Process for Year 6 Children who are transferring to us in September

  • Complete the process of Secondary School application as instructed by Cambridgeshire Local Authority Admissions Team. This link will take you to their website.
  • Receive your allocated place from Cambridgeshire County Council.
  • Please see our Admissions Information Booklet for information about the College
  • Complete and return to us all necessary forms.

Please note that we will be sending out a letter and all necessary forms to parents of those pupils who have been notified recently by the Local Authority of their official allocation of a place at Chesterton for September. The letter and forms will be sent directly to parents at the end of the spring term (prior to the Easter holidays).

Chesterton Sixth Form Admissions

Chesterton Sixth Form admissions run separately to the main school. You can read about the process here

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