Transition from Primary School

Welcome to the Year 6 induction information page.

We can’t wait to meet you all very soon, however in the meantime browse this page so that you can start to learn about Chesterton Community College before you join us as year 7s. We hope you find it useful, if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact the school reception or email our dedicated year 6 address. All these details can be found in the contact area. We have a lot of staff at Chesterton, however for your first few days these will be the staff that you see most, as well as your form tutors and Heads of House.

All our staff are always so happy to help, so if you ever need anything you can ask anyone!

Key Staff

Rolf Purvis

Executive Headteacher

Colleen Lehane

Deputy Headteacher

Keith Hicks

Deputy Headteacher

Jake Lawrence


Top Tips and Favourite Things

Before you look at the rest of the information below, watch the video from our current year 7s. They want to share some top tips and their favourite things about Chesterton with you.

House System

When you join Chesterton, you would have been placed into a House; each House has 9 tutor groups, all tutor groups have a mixture of year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 students. This creates a really supportive and family environment for our students. You will spend 20 minutes each morning with your tutor group and form tutor.

You will compete in House competitions throughout the year to win your House points, we have so many ways you can win points at school including sporting events, effort in lessons and attendance in clubs.

You will find out your House and tutor group later in the term.

Click a badge to learn more!


You can find more information about how to dress on our Uniform page. 

School Clothing for years 7-11
Polo Shirt (College Crest with House colour) to be worn at all timesGrey Polo shirt
Sweatshirt (College Crest) to be worn over the Polo ShirtNavy Sweatshirt
Girls’ Slim fit TrousersPlain Black
Girls’ Trousers – ‘Lingfield’ StylePlain Black
Skirt – ‘Charleston’ StylePlain Black
Boys’ ‘Falmouth’ TrousersPlain Black
Boys’ Slim fit TrouserPlain Black
HatsStudents may wear hats outdoors. Students must not wear hats inside the school buildings at any time.
Items of religious significanceDiscreet items may be worn. Head scarves, in any plain colour, may be worn.

Details on how to purchase your uniform and PE kit will be sent to parents and carers in June with your House reveal.

The Canteen

We have a cashless system at school, so you top your account up online. When you get to the canteen, you then pay for your food and drinks with your finger.

We are really lucky to have a fantastic chef and catering team.

One of our rewards for students earning House Points is receiving a free cookie voucher.

You can access the canteen during the following times:

  • Breakfast Club: 8.20am
  • Break Time: 10.50am – 11.10
  • Lunch Time: 12.50pm – 13.25

The School Day

You will receive your timetable that will look like the example shown. This will tell you which classrooms to go to and what teachers you will have. You will notice that you usually spend 2 periods in one subject. It is important to be equipped for your lessons, so make sure you top up your pencil case before your first day! We will provide with any information on extra equipment you will need.

8.45Students should be on site by 8.45 at the latest
8.50 to 9.10Registration
9.10 to 10.00 Lesson 1
10.00 to 10.50Lesson 2
10.50 to 11.10Break
11.10 to 12.00Lesson 3
12.00 to 12.35*Lesson 4 for years 7, 10 & 11
Lunch for years 8 & 9
12.35 to 12.50Lesson 4
12.50 to 1.25Lesson 4 for years 8 & 9
Lunch for years 7, 10 & 11
(Yr 7 lunch starts at 12:30)
1.25 to 2.15Lesson 5
2.15 to 3.05Lesson 6
Library closes at 3.05 on Fridays
3.05 to 3.55Period 7
Intervention work for targeted students
Twilight lessons for some students
Compulsory and optional homework completion time
3.55 to 4.45Period 8
Intervention work for targeted students
Twilight lessons for some students
Compulsory and optional homework completion time

Your Timetable

You will receive your timetable that will look like the example shown. This will tell you which classrooms to go to and what teachers you will have. You will notice that you usually spend 2 periods in one subject. It is important to be equipped for your lessons, so make sure you top up your pencil case before your first day! We will provide with any information on extra equipment you will need.

Lunchtimes: At the start of term Year 7 go to lunch 10 minutes early, at 12.40 every day to support them finding their way around the new environment. Their Period 4 teachers accompany them to lunch and remain with them until 12.50.

Getting Around

It may feel big to start with but, we promise, you will start to find your way around school very quickly. Clear signs are everywhere and you will be given a lot of time to get more familiar with your new school. The school is divided into departments, e.g. Science lessons are all in one area, English lessons are all in one area. When you first arrive at Chesterton, your form tutor will give you lots of tours and even take you around with your timetable so you know where your classrooms are.


We have so many extra-curricular activities for you at Chesterton, these run at lunch times and after school. They range from sporting clubs, art clubs, environment club, Warhammer, languages…you can explore the full list below. 

All clubs are advertised on our website, on our ‘daily notices’ that you access in form time and on classroom doors and notice boards. These are some of the adverts for the clubs that were run this year.

MonCommunity clubCommunityOffice opposite L133:15 - 4:00Ms Maffei7 8 9
MonPhilosophy ClubPhilosophyA33:15 - 3:45Miss BarkerAll
MonSteel PansMusicM18:10 - 8:40Miss Wilson8 9 10 11 12 13
MonJazz BandMusicM13:05 - 4:00Dr Kirkall
MonRecorder ClubMusicM2breakMiss Wilsonall
MonMusic Technology GroupMusicM23:05 - 4:00Miss Wilsonall
MonGCSE Drama Production/Devising RehearsalsDramaDrama Studio & Theatre3:15 - 5:30Ms Marston/Mr Cooper10 11
MonFitkidz (finess suite)SportSports centre3:30 - 4:15Sports Centreall
MonLacemakingTextilesW123:15 - 4:15Ms Hodgson (external)all
MonLacemakingTextilesW124:30 - 5:30Ms Hodgson (external)all
MonOil PaintingArtW23:05 - 5:00Mrs Murray Williams10 12
Mon (Week 1)Wildlife & Nature ClubScience/PhotographyA18lunchMiss parker & Mrs Tate8 9
Mon Tue Wed Thu FriThe Blaze (online school nespaper)Journalismn/an/aSixth Form studentsall
Mon Tue Wed Thu FriHomework ClubStudyLibrary3:05 - 5:00Teaching staffall
TueJesterton Comedy ClubEnglishDrama studio3:15 - 4:00Miss Weedyall
TueExplorers groupReligionA16LunchMs Reavley8 9
TueExplorers groupReligionA17LunchMs Reavley7 10 11
TueCello ClubMusicM18:10 - 8:40Miss Wilsonall
TueMusical Theatre ClubDramaDance Studio3:15 - 4:30CYT Ambassadors7 8 9 10
TueNetballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Miss Moss8 9 10
TueBoys FootballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Mr Mendoca8
TueBoys FootballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Mr Firth9
TueTable TennisSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:15Mr Hema7
TueGirls FootballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:15Miss Palacios7
TueScience clubScienceS23:05 - 4:00Science teachers7
TueArt and Design clubArtW123:10 - 4:15Mrs Hallam7 8 9
WedPride ClubCommunityRoom A3:05 - 4:00Mr Mooreall
WedDebatingEnglishtbc3:15 - 4:00Mr Jones9 10 11 12 13
WedKS3 Magazine/GazetteJournalismA16lunchMiss Ottevanger8 9
WedDr Who ClubTV & DiscussionTraining room3:15 - 4:00VI form studentsall
WedRemote Control Vehicle ClubHobbyWynne Williams Garden3:15 - 4:00Mrs Sterecki ,Mr Kitchen & Tristanall
WedGreek & Roman MythsClassicsE183:05 - 4:30Miss Legg7 8 9
WedPositive mental health clubWellbeingTBC3:05 - 3:35Ms McLeanall
WedOrchestraMusicM13:05 - 4:35Miss Wilsonall
WedBand ProjectMusicMusic foyer3:05 - 4:00Miss Wilsonall
WedJunior ChoirMusicM18:10 - 8:40Miss Wilson7 8
WedUkeleles & GuitarsMusicM1lunchDr Kirk7 10 11
WedFolk Fiddle BandMusicM28:10 - 8:40Ms Veryardall
WedMusical Theatre ClubDramaDance Studio3:15 - 4:30CYT Ambassadors7 8 9 10
WedLeads RehearsalsDramaDance & Drama Studios3:15 - 4:30Ms Marston/Mr Cooperinvitation only
WedFitkidz (finess suite)SportSports centre3:30 - 4:15Sports Centreall
WedFootballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 5:30Mr Firth10 11
WedBadmintonSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Miss Moss10 11
WedMixed Flag FootballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Mr Hema8 9
WedCombined Science SupportScienceE13:15 - 4:00Science teachers11
WedSeparate Science SupportScienceE113:15 - 4:00Science teachers11
Wed (Week 2)Classics clubClassicsA193:05 - 4:15Dr Kirkall
ThuPoetry clubEnglishA16LunchMiss Ottevangerall
ThuFlute ChoirMusicM2breakMiss Wilsonall
ThuUkeleles & GuitarsMusicM1lunchDr Kirk7 8
ThuSamba BandMusicM18:10 - 8:40Miss Wilsonall
ThuPlay RehearsalsDramaDrama Studio3:10 - 5:15Ms Marston/Mr CooperYr9 + invited yr7s
ThuBoys FootballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Mr Hema7
ThuNetballSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Miss Palacios7
ThuTrampoliningSportChanging rooms3:15 - 4:45Mr Firth8 9
ThuHandballSportChanging rooms3:05 - 4:45Mr Mendoca9 10
Thuboardgames & TabletopGamesA33:15 - 4:30Miss Cadungogall
ThuYoga clubFitnessA83:15 - 3:45Mr Hicksall
ThuSlack line & Adventure ClubAdventureMeet rear courtyard3:15 - 4:15Mr Hicks7 8
Thu (Week 1)Creative WritingEnglishL143:15 - 4:00Miss Trevett Gantivar7 8 9
Thu (Week 2)Old English clubHistorical languageA6LunchMs Powell7 10 11 12 13
FriChess clubGamesS14LunchMr Burdett8 9
FriSteel PansMusicM18:10 - 8:40Miss Wilson & Dr Kirk7
FriFolk Fiddle BandMusicM28:10 - 8:40Ms Veryardall
FriSenior ChoirMusicM13:05 - 4:00Miss Wilson9 10 11 12 13
FriChesterton SingersMusicM14:30 - 5:15Mr Bondinvitation only
FriImprovisationDramaDrama Studio3:15 - 4:15Ms weedyall
FriTech ClubDramaDrama Studio3:15 - 4:15Mr Malesall
FriHip Hop ClubDanceDance Studio8:00 - 9:00Externalall
FriGCSE PE period 7 - TheorySportL1/L23:30 - 4:00Mr Firth/Mr HemaGCSE PE
VariousEco ClubEnvironmentdip3:15 - 4:45Amy Ellis (external)all

As well as clubs, in year 7 we have our Chesterton Pledge. This is a great volunteer programme where you can give back to the community by taking part in some of our activities.

This year some of our year 7s went back to their primary schools to host reading interventions, they helped design new spaces at the Milton Road library, they upcycled old trainers to send to developing countries and they even started making our new flower beds in the new courtyards! Pledges means prizes and you can earn house points for your time.

What’s next?

Details will be sent to parents.

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