Personal Development

To realise potential, now and into the future, we must grow and develop as individuals. Personal development at CCC ensures all students are equipped with the knowledge, understanding, experiences and wisdom to be successful, safe and happy in school and in the future.

Realising a students potential extends beyond the subject curriculum and is explicitly supported by their personal development. 

This includes RSE, health education (physical health and mental well-being), PSHE, citizenship, character, SMSC & British Values, CEIAG and wider opportunities. As part of this we focus on inclusion and equality of these opportunities. To achieve an outstanding provision we view these areas individually to ensure they are done exceptionally well while at the same time ensuring a joined up approach realises every student’s full potential.

Our Goals

My Character

To develop characteristics that allow us to realise potential and to thrive now and into the future

  • Resilience and Courage
  • Generosity and Integrity
  • Courtesy and Respect
  • To champion inclusion

My Relationships

  • To develop good communication skills in order to nurture good friendships and relationships
  • To commit to being polite and respectful citizens
  • To ensure we have an age appropriate understanding of healthy, consensual intimacy and relationships

Our Service in the Community

  • To adhere to the British Values
  • To positively contribute to the community (volunteering, doing service, social/ environmental justice, fundraising, leadership opportunities or acts of kindness)
  • To be equipped with lifesaving skills

My Health

  • To have the knowledge and support to safeguard having a healthy body and mind
  • To experience and develop a toolkit of wellbeing strategies
  • To recognise and manage danger online and offline

My Future

  • To be prepared for the next phase in education and life 
  • To be equipped with knowledge about different careers and future options
  • To develop budgeting and financial awareness for economic wellbeing
  • To possess the knowledge, skills and understanding to play a full part in society, as active and responsible citizens

Broadening My Mind - Enjoying My Life

  • To develop cultural capital and know more about our world
  • To see the world from different view points
  • To reflect on our own beliefs and spirituality
  • To be able to debate issues
  • To develop and discover interest and talents
  • To enjoy new experiences by participating in a range of activities that aren’t always available for all

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